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Going from "Good to Wow"

Pitts21 Live Webinar Series

Featured Webinars

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WOW Worthy Esthetics and Function with 3D Controlled Efficiency

Speakers: Dr. Tom Pitts, Dr. Duncan Brown,

Dr. Wassim Bouzid, Mary Beth Kirkpatrick,

Dr. Dwight Frey, and Dr. Ilies Tibaoui

What, Why, and How

of the Pitts Aesthetic Discipline

Speakers: Dr. Tom Pitts and

Dr. Duncan Brown

Aesthetic Driven Orthodontics

with The Pitts Protocol

Speaker: Dr. Peter Csiki

The Reconstruction of the

Smile Esthetics with Pitts21


Speaker: Dr. Wassim Bouzid

Estética Y Función
Con Un Control 3d Eficaz

Speaker: Dr. Manuel Pesqueira

Smiles Creation with Pitts Protocol


Speakers: Dr. Wassim Bouzid

and Dr. Duncan Brown

Micro-Aesethetics with Pitts21


Speaker: Dr. Ilies Tibaoui

Pitts21 Comprehensive Treatment

Speaker: Dr. Dwight Frey

Pitts21 Class II Correction Aesthetics and Occlusion

Speaker: Dr. Michael McLaughlin

Pitts21 Efficiency and Engaging Early


Speaker: Dr. Wassim Bouzid

Extraction Mechanics with Pitts21

Speaker: Dr. Sabrina Huang

Why Pitts21 Works​

Speaker: Dr. Duncan Brown

New Vision: A Commitment to Excellence in Orthodontics

Speaker: Dr. Wassim Bouzid

Exclusive 2021 AAO Webinar

Speaker: Dr. Tom Pitts

Exclusive 2021 AAO Webinar

Speaker: Dr. Duncan Brown

The Concept and Art of Pitts21

Speaker: Dr. Prasad Chitra

OC Advanced Course Group Photo
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