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Orthopreneurs Podcast

Tune in to the Orthopreneurs Podcast with Dr. Tom Pitts and host Dr. Glenn Krieger discussing the innovative Pitts21 system and the science behind stunning, functional smiles.

Orthopreneurs Podcast

Tune in to the Orthopreneurs 2nd Podcast with Dr. Tom Pitts and host Dr. Glenn Krieger as Dr. Pitts explains that the Wow Factor goes beyond just straight teeth. It's about creating smiles with full incisal display, a harmonious smile arc that follows the curve of the lower lip, and an arch form that is wide and free of buccal corridors.

The DOC Podcast

Tune in to The Doc Podcast with Dr. Tom Pitts and host Dr. Mike Deluke as Dr. Pitts dives deep into a range of topics relevant to orthodontists.
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